Trail Foundations

Trail Foundations

Trail Foundations My business coach has a favourite saying that he drums into me every time he gets a chance. ‘Boring is profitable, and profit is fun.’ The essence of the statement being that clients are more than happy to pay for work that is seen as boring or...
Data Driven Trails

Data Driven Trails

Data Driven Trails On my local trails here in southeast Queensland we are starting to plan our trail care and upgrade program for the year. I would be confident in saying that every trail care group will have a jobs list and wish list that far exceeds the funds and...
Fellowship of the Rakehoe

Fellowship of the Rakehoe

Fellowship of the rakehoe We all thought 2020 was a crazy year, but 2021 has seemingly just rolled on with similar challenges for us all. I notice more people are getting a little jaded, not the usual level of energy and confidence. Just generally worn down. In a...